House Painters Lynnfield MA

Looking for house painters Lynnfield MA then call the experienced house painters at DiNapoli Painting for a house painting estimate for your Lynnfield MA home.

DiNapoli Painting is a full-service house painting company that specializes in interior and exterior house painting in Lynnfield MA and surrounding Massachusetts towns. We have been painting houses in Lynnfield MA since 1993 and we have painted hundreds of houses throughout the area and we are happy to provide references.

Our house painting services include:

  • Exterior House Painters
  • Interior House Painters
  • New Construction House Painters
  • Historic Restoration House Painters

We are 100% dedicated to providing you and your family with a great house painting experience in Lynnfield MA.

All of our house painting projects start with extensive preparation and end with a quality finish, allowing us to give a extended warranty on all work. We use the finest in materials, always using brush and roller application and never spraying. We are always happy to do any size painting job in Lynnfield MA and our house painting rates are very reasonable.

To ensure the highest quality and service owner, Gary DiNapoli, is present on every job site and we only employs full time interior and exterior house painters each with over 10 years of painting experience. We do not use college students or part time employees. DiNaploi Painting, Inc. is fully licensed and insured and we carry a $3 million dollar liability insurance policy and full workers compensation.

If you are looking for experienced house painters Lynnfield MA contact DiNapoli Painting today for a detailed house painting  estimate, call (781) 942-8299.

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